Saturday, April 16, 2011

Why do bad things happen?

Hey, everyone!  So sorry I haven't posted in awhile.  I just realized it's been almost two months since my last post.  I could give you plenty of ridiculous excuses . . . but they'd just be excuses :p  I do have one legitimate reason I haven't posted in awhile (well this reason only covers like two or three weeks).  My grandmother has been very ill and in and out of ICU since December and for a couple of weeks I was in FL with her.  But, as I said, that only covers a few weeks . . .

Speaking of my grandmother, it's been really stressful these last four months.  There have been times when we thought she was better and even talked about bringing her home.  But more often she takes a turn for the worse and we wonder how much longer she's going to make it.  This time of uncertainty has been difficult for me.  When I'm in FL with my family my job is usually to watch the kids so that the other adults can either work or spend time at the hospital.  But the few times I actually did get to go to the hospital were eye-opening.  I always kept my grandmother in my prayers, but it doesn't always seem real to me until I actually see her in the hospital and see her fighting.  Other times it seems so unreal and distant, like it's not even happening.  I don't know what else to pray anymore.  I feel like I've been praying the same thing over and over again.

That brings me to the point of this post.  Why do bad things happen?  Why is there murder?  Why is there suffering?  Why is there still slavery, abortion, rape?  Why has my grandmother had to linger in between life and death for four months?  Any worldview absolutely must answer those questions.  And, only one gives a satisfactory answer.

Let's take a look at how other worldviews explain why bad things happen. From a naturalistic worldview evil does not exist because the physical world is the only thing that exists.  Evil is just bad luck.  What?  Don't tell me evil doesn't exist!  That is certainly not a good explanation of evil.  Other religions--such as Eastern religions--say that the physical world is an illusion and therefore evil is just an illusion.  Ok, so if evil is just an illusion . . . why does it hurt so much?  Islam doesn't have a satisfactory answer either.  They say that any evil was ordained by Allah--so all of the terrorist attacks were approved and allowed by Allah.

Christianity, on the other hand, offers the only satisfactory answer.  Our world is a fallen world.  When Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, sin entered into God's perfect world.  But, why couldn't God have created Adam and Eve perfect so they wouldn't eat the fruit?  Adam and Eve had to have a free will so they could choose to love God.  God wanted their love for Him to be their choice.  Forcing someone to love you is not real love at all.  So, because Adam and Eve had free-will, they made the bad decision to eat the fruit.

Many people say that because there is evil in this world, there is not all-good, all-powerful God.  If there were an omnibenevolent, omnipotent God he would want to and would have the power to destroy evil.  So, since there is evil, there must not be a God.  But, we know that there is still evil because God has not yet destroyed it.  One day God will destroy evil.

Another amazing thing about Christianity is that our God suffers with us.  He truly cares for us.  I'm sure you know the shortest verse in the Bible, "Jesus wept."  Now even though this verse is usually known for being the shortest verse in the entire Bible, it should be known for the compassion Jesus is showing.  When He sees the distress of Lazarus' sisters because of their brother's death, Jesus weeps with them.  And, the most obvious example of Christ's compassion and love for us is His choice to suffer for us on the cross.  Our God has truly suffered more than any of us.

Back to my grandmother, she went into the hospital in December for triple bypass surgery and just never recovered.  She has had just about every health complication possible since then.  Am I supposed to think this is bad luck?  Or an illusion?  Or approved by the god, Allah?  There is suffering in this world because of sin.  This is a fallen world.  And, that's the only satisfactory answer. And, even though my grandmother is suffering I know that the Lord cares for us.  It's especially in times of trial that we need to remember that God suffered in our place.  And remember that one day all this suffering will be gone.  Bad things will happen.  But, although you will most definitely suffer, never surrender!

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